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NCHL acquired Memsys

With effect on October 14th, 2016 New Concepts Holdings Limited (NCHL), an investment holding company, acquired all the assets and the IPs of memsys.


Brine concentration system

Memsys commissions brine concentration system for RO concentrates from sea water desalination

Within this project, memsys realized together with partner company ABENGOA a sea water desalination system using the retentate/concentrate of an onsite R.O. desalination system.


Waste water recovery in zinc production

Valuables Recovery: Memsys commissions FeCl3 recovery plant in China

The production of zinc-coated steel parts produces considerable quantities of acidic wastewater with a high concentration of metal ions.


Concentration of sugar solutions

Concentration of sugar solutions

In different processing steps of liquid concentrate production as well as on the way to crystallization of sugar, evaporation plays a significant role.


memsys new portfolio

Memsys is sharpening its business portfolio

A new company structure and a reasonably straightened task list are the present focus in re-aligning the business activities of Memsys.
